How to Forward Calls to Remote Agents in Different Countries

Many businesses and call centers with international locations need to know how to forward calls to remote agents in different countries.  We’ll explain how call forwarding works, and talk about the ways that you can forward calls to a mobile phone, landline, or PBX.

Using call forwarding, which comes standard with most toll free and local numbers, you can forward calls to almost any mobile phone, landline, or PBX.  As long as you have access to the Internet, you can log into your customer portal and choose exactly where you want your toll free number or local number to be forwarded.

Using Call Forwarding to Send Calls to Remote Agents

Call forwarding is a service that automatically forwards calls that are made to a toll free number or a local number in another location to a landline, mobile phone, laptop, or PBX.  No matter where your remote agents are located, you can log into the portal and ensure that they receive all calls made to particular number.

Let’s say that your business has customers in South Africa, but you don’t actually have a physical location there.  How do you ensure that customers in the area are able to reach your remote agents?

  1. Choose a toll free number or a local number in South Africa.
  2. Promote this number to your customers in South Africa.
  3. Using your customer portal, select the number that the South Africa number should ring to, and we’ll forward the customer call over the Internet to your laptop, softphone, or mobile phone.

Using Geographic Routing to Send Calls to Remote Agents

Some businesses only have one toll free number, but many call centers or offices around the world.  For example, if you have an office in South Africa, and you’re receiving a call from a South African customer on your only toll free number, you’ll need to know how to forward that call to the agent in the correct location.

With geographic call routing, or toll free call forwarding, it’s simple.  Geographic routing is an enhanced telephony service that allows businesses to automatically route incoming calls based on origin.  As the call comes in, the carrier picks up the calling party’s phone number and checks it against an existing database.  Depending on the location of the originating number, the call is then forwarded over the Internet to the destination number that has been pre-programmed in the VoIP gateway.

Call Forwarding for Your Business or Call Center

With our simple guide to call forwarding and geographic routing, you can learn how to forward calls to remote agents in different countries.  Either option gets the job done, but you’ll need to clearly identify the needs of your business before you decide upon the best way to get the right calls to the right agents around the world.