How Long Will It Take To Set Up My Toll Free Number?

So, how long will it take to set up my toll free number? You’ve decided to get a toll free number for your business. Now you’re probably wondering how long the process will take and when your number will be ready to use. Keep in mind that setup times will vary with each toll free number service provider, but the process is generally the same.

How It Works

Most toll free service providers have an inventory of toll free numbers, and can have your number up and running within 72 hours. Toll free number providers work with major international carriers to reserve, allocate, and manage toll free numbers and call forwarding services. Each carrier has its own procedure for ordering numbers, which is why some numbers take longer to configure. There are two ways to get a toll free number: sign up online or speak to a sales rep over the phone. Typically, your number is going to be ready much faster if you sign up online. Keep in mind that most providers require a valid credit card upon sign up. If you’re unable to provide valid information, then a sales rep will contact you to get that information. This will slow down your set-up time.

What Affects Set Up Time

Certain types of numbers won’t be ready as quickly no matter which provider you choose. For example, Vanity toll free numbers can take up to thirty days to set up. Because vanity toll free numbers are so unique, providers only order them as they are requested. The same goes for certain International toll free numbers that the provider may not have in stock. For example, your provider might not have a Bulgaria International toll free number in inventory, but can always order one for you. If you already have a toll free number and wish to port it over to another provider using the Resporg paperwork, this will take just a little longer than setting up a brand new number. There’s usually quite some paperwork involved in Resporg, so this takes an additional step and a little more time.


  1. Bruce Brownlee on July 10, 2014 at 10:13 am

    Note that DID numbers, which are local numbers rather than toll free numbers, can sometimes take a little longer than toll free numbers to get up and running.