Call Forwarding Benefits for Companies

Many companies make use of some type of call forwarding platform as part of a bigger professional phone system to keep in touch with customers, make sales or purchases and provide better customer service. Most big phone companies offer a call-forwarding feature as part of their company telephone plans. This feature, which forwards calls to a chosen number, has many important benefits.


One of the biggest advantages of call-forwarding is that it makes key staff available even when they are out of the workplace. An office’s telephone calls can be forwarded to a member’s cell phone or home phone. In some organizations, call forwarding will call a sequence of numbers until it gets a reply. As long as a worker is able to answer one of the forwarding phones, she will always be within reach to talk directly to customers, answer important questions or provide key information.

Avoiding Voicemail

Another advantage of call forwarding, related to increased availability of staff, is the fact that it prevents callers from being confronted with a voice mail message. Some clients find voice mail impersonal and may not have assurance that their communication will be kept private or responded in a promptly manner. With a call forwarding system that uses several numbers, a member of staff can set up a personal voicemail message on the last number, such as a cell phone.


Because call forwarding can port phone calls to a partner’s cell phone, it increases worker mobility without reducing communication. This makes it easier for workers to travel, whether on an extended international journey or simply by stepping out of the workplace for a few minutes, without the risk of missing an important call.

Increasing Presence

Call Forwarding Benefits: it also allows a company to expand its perceived presence by having several numbers forwarded to the same central location. This lets a client call a local or toll-free number, which then forwards his calls to the company’s main telephone line or switchboard. Clients may prefer this to placing a long-distance call, which may include additional charges and give the impression that the company is distant or not technologically up-to-date.